Najnowsze cytaty

#6118 Dodano: 28-06-2012 11:17. Głosów: 347
Weźmy dwie kolejne liczby rzeczywiste...

#6116 Dodano: 27-06-2012 20:30. Głosów: 174
Odpowiedź na pytanie bez kodu:
Hmm. My crystal ball is very hazy today - and your shoulder is blocking part
of your screen, but I'll take a shot. Delete lines 14 and 17 in your script.
#6098 Dodano: 24-06-2012 19:59. Głosów: 39
In the midst of the word he was trying to say,
In the midst of his laughter and glee,
He had softly and suddenly vanished away---
For the Snark was a Boojum, you see.

(Lewis Carroll, "The Hunting of the Snark")

The sound device was unplugged.
Press F6 to select another sound card.

/źródło: alsamixer/
#6096 Dodano: 24-06-2012 19:39. Głosów: 96
DivideByZero and NullPointer came into a bar. NullPointer asked for a beer, to which the bartender replied "No alcohol for the underage". Then, DivideByZero said "Come one, just one drink!", to which the bartender replied "Sorry, no exceptions".
#6095 Dodano: 24-06-2012 17:50. Głosów: 100
> Why was "new Date(int year, int month, int day)" deprecated?
> Perhaps it's because the Americans were expecting Date (int year, int day, int month) ;-)

#6087 Dodano: 22-06-2012 09:04. Głosów: 149
Znalezione w kodzie..... WTF????

private Map<OrgDst, Map<String, Map<Date, Map<WeightType, Map<String, Position>>>>> reportData = new LinkedHashMap<OrgDst, Map<String,Map<Date,Map<WeightType,Map<String,Position>>>>>();
#6086 Dodano: 22-06-2012 00:08. Głosów: 286
Yo mama so fat it takes two garbage collectors to properly free her.
#6074 Dodano: 18-06-2012 01:53. Głosów: 219
Real Programmers don't need comments-- the code is obvious.
#6073 Dodano: 17-06-2012 17:18. Głosów: 47
Hey, you just called me
and this is crazy
restart your computer
it helps you maybe
#6069 Dodano: 16-06-2012 14:02. Głosów: 88
Z oficjalnej strony ASUSa:
How to update BIOS
1. Please click the Add/Remove software icon under the Setting Tab and follow the instructions to update BIOS.
2. Download AFUDOS from the support site, and then follow the steps below:
2.1 Creating an USB boot device
2.2 Copy afudos.exe and the file of BIOS to USB device, and then plug it to Eee PC
2.3 Input: afudos /i(file name of BIOS)
3. Contact the local service center and ask for help.
#6056 Dodano: 11-06-2012 13:10. Głosów: 194
<i> Dyskusja pod artykułem o bezstratnej kompresji dźwięku:
<adrian5> Najlepiej maja wielbiciele techno - ich muza kompresuje sie bezstratnie do midi. (...)
#6055 Dodano: 11-06-2012 12:25. Głosów: 288
I had a problem so I thought to use Java. Now I have a ProblemFactory.
#6054 Dodano: 11-06-2012 01:51. Głosów: 94
// komentarze spod pytania na

Anarkie: I should be using the char *, since the Prof doesn't want std::string to be used.
Griwes: Why do all those stupid professors teach all the things the wrong way?
Robᵩ: @Griwes - They insist on teaching the difficult fundamental concepts before the easier, more reliable derivatives. Like how we teach teenagers how to distill gasoline from crude oil before they can get a driver's license. Or how we teach electricians to mine copper ore.
#6051 Dodano: 10-06-2012 07:10. Głosów: 96
First rule of bit masks: Don't.

#6050 Dodano: 06-06-2012 20:28. Głosów: 203
<@vifon> C++ to wyjątkowy język. Wysokopoziomowy z niskopoziomowymi mechanizmami, którymi można rozpiździć w drobny mak te wysokopoziomowe.