Najnowsze cytaty

#5649 Dodano: 22-12-2011 18:01. Głosów: 72
I think over the last 10 years I’ve evolved as a coder. Here’s some of the milestones I achieved.

You Start Using Source Control

You spend half a day trying to find what you changed in your code that has suddenly made it stop working. You realise that your current form of source control (CTRL+Z) isn’t doing you any favors. You spend an hour learning about source control and never look back.

You Stop Obsessing Over Optimizations

You decide that getting everything working should be the first priority. Then you’ll worry whether that function that gets called once on shutdown is fast enough.

You Stop Coding The Same Things Over and Over

You realise that half your time is spent writing the same thing. You would have used your old code but it’s so messy and you feel dirty. You decide to seperate your common generic code into its own utility library. And never look back.

You Think A Step Higher

Instead of coding a new class factory for everything that requires it you make a generic class factory template.. now you never have to code a class factory again. You actively look at what you’re doing and think “what can I do to make sure I never have to do this again”.

Including Windows.h Makes You Itch

You don’t want to include Windows.h anywhere in your project anymore. You know it’s going to come and f**k you in the end somehow. It’s going to rename your functions. It’s going to give you s**t loads to fix when you try to make your project portable. So instead you go the extra mile and you look for the standard functions. If you can’t find alternatives you make a platform.h which includes a platform_win32.h under windows. It feels good.

You Start Using Build Automation

You have come to find that dropping cpp files into a vcproj isn’t the best way to manage your project. This is drilled home when you come to compile it on another platform. So from now on you use something like premake to build your project files. Now you can generate projects for Visual Studio, GMake, XCode, CodeBlocks and anything else you would ever want to generate them for. You are portable.
#5644 Dodano: 21-12-2011 21:29. Głosów: 194
Microsoft: "You've got questions. We've got dancing paperclips."
#5640 Dodano: 20-12-2011 01:37. Głosów: 84
It is a pity the Pi is not an integer
#5633 Dodano: 19-12-2011 10:01. Głosów: 164
Ze źródeł pewnego systemu:
"Uprawnienia użytkownika nie są tu w ogóle sprawdzane ze względu na kompatybilność wsteczną."
#5613 Dodano: 14-12-2011 21:48. Głosów: 60
//Z serii hardcore'owe optymalizacje
Jeśli używasz listy podwójnie wiązanej, możesz zaoszczędzić na wiązaniu używając XOR.
#5606 Dodano: 12-12-2011 18:00. Głosów: 319
There is tell around my company of a threadpool-ish class which, in that it monitored child threads, was named Pedophile. This is all good for a laugh, until your customers call in to complain that your program is crashing with only the message, "Error: Pedophile has no children to watch."
#5605 Dodano: 12-12-2011 12:29. Głosów: -94
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
float pi = 22/7;
return 0;

i got 3.000000

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
float pi = 22;
pi /= 7;
return 0;

i got 3.142857
#5592 Dodano: 08-12-2011 14:23. Głosów: 130
Najgorsze powitanie jakie może usłyszeć od współlokatora student informatyki?

Cześć! Dobrze, że jesteś. Komp mi strasznie mulił, więc zabrałem się w końcu za czyszczenie rejestru i (...)
#5588 Dodano: 07-12-2011 22:32. Głosów: 56
<>About development style (TDD).From wikipedia:
"Fake it till you make it - is a common catchphrase that means to imitate confidence so that as the confidence produces success, it will generate real confidence"
#5587 Dodano: 07-12-2011 22:29. Głosów: 229
Laboratoria z systemów rozproszonych na politechnice. Praca w grupach czteroosobowych. Jedna osoba z każdego zespołu konfiguruje usługę na jednym z komputerów i udostępnia ją innym w sieci.

prowadzący> Teraz proszę wpisać ustawione przez kolegów hasła do usług i zalogować się... Przejdziemy następnie do konfiguracji ustawień w pliku xyz [zaczyna się tłumaczenie co dalej]
kolega1> (do kolegi2) Jakie dałeś hasło?
kolega2> Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
grupa> ...

Nie zdążyliśmy wykonać ćwiczenia
#5583 Dodano: 07-12-2011 00:51. Głosów: 318
I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as my telephone. My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
--Bjarne Stroustrup
#5570 Dodano: 04-12-2011 13:08. Głosów: 133
Remember> Never *EVER* play CS on a plane.
Quote> The bomb has been planted. Terrorists win!
#5569 Dodano: 04-12-2011 11:53. Głosów: 73
Short programs are innocent, and more impressive. If your source file is over 200 lines, you are not likely to win. You can hide a semi truck in 300 lines of C.
#5568 Dodano: 04-12-2011 10:07. Głosów: 167
<kml>Wkurza mnie ten Eclipse. Czy MS nie mógłby rozszerzyć Visuala o Javę?
<ain>Już raz próbowali. Wyszedł im C#.
#5550 Dodano: 28-11-2011 12:10. Głosów: 121
linux kernel 2.6.28:
file: mm/oom_kill.c:

* Rambo mode: Shoot down a process and hope it solves whatever
* issues we may have.