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#6054 Dodano: 11-06-2012 01:51. Głosów: 94
// komentarze spod pytania na stackoverflow.com
Anarkie: I should be using the char *, since the Prof doesn't want std::string to be used.
Griwes: Why do all those stupid professors teach all the things the wrong way?
Robᵩ: @Griwes - They insist on teaching the difficult fundamental concepts before the easier, more reliable derivatives. Like how we teach teenagers how to distill gasoline from crude oil before they can get a driver's license. Or how we teach electricians to mine copper ore.
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Anarkie: I should be using the char *, since the Prof doesn't want std::string to be used.
Griwes: Why do all those stupid professors teach all the things the wrong way?
Robᵩ: @Griwes - They insist on teaching the difficult fundamental concepts before the easier, more reliable derivatives. Like how we teach teenagers how to distill gasoline from crude oil before they can get a driver's license. Or how we teach electricians to mine copper ore.