Najpopularniejsze cytaty
#6364 Dodano: 09-11-2012 12:41. Głosów: 118
<Bill-barriere> ivenkys, the only way someone can love vb is if they developed a Stockholm syndrome toward it ^^
#4917 Dodano: 10-05-2011 17:44. Głosów: 117
<nyingen> since 250,000 lines is the mandatory minimum code size for a Java project
<Silvah> > replicate 250000 '\n' -- a nice starting point
<lambdabot> "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n...
<nyingen> heh
<nyingen> Java project template
<Silvah> > replicate 250000 '\n' -- a nice starting point
<lambdabot> "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n...
<nyingen> heh
<nyingen> Java project template
#7023 Dodano: 12-09-2013 08:53. Głosów: 117
At the source of every error which is blamed on the computer you will find at least two human errors, including the error of blaming it on the computer.
#7839 Dodano: 06-07-2015 15:53. Głosów: 117
<antoszka> ironia jest taka, ze mamy "przenosny" (hue hue hue) kod w javie, ktory odpalamy w cygwinie w emulatorze windowsa w niby-unixie jakim jest os x
#4336 Dodano: 25-12-2010 12:23. Głosów: 117
Fragment źródła "reddit toolbar"a
</frameset><!-- Internet Explorer has a "feature" called "friendly error messages" that defaults to being turned on, where it detects certain remote error conditions (among them, 404s) such that the response (presumably an error descriptor page) is less than some size (512 bytes for 404s). If that happens, it replaces the remote error message with a more "friendly" description of the error, which obscures the server's error message. Historically, this is because Apache's and IIS's error messages are famously non-helpful, and were less than that minimum size. This unnecessarily verbose comment serves only to cause this page (whose status code may be a 404, set in to go over that minimum size, so that we can force our content to be shown to IE users with "friendly error messages", even on braindead browsers. --></html>
</frameset><!-- Internet Explorer has a "feature" called "friendly error messages" that defaults to being turned on, where it detects certain remote error conditions (among them, 404s) such that the response (presumably an error descriptor page) is less than some size (512 bytes for 404s). If that happens, it replaces the remote error message with a more "friendly" description of the error, which obscures the server's error message. Historically, this is because Apache's and IIS's error messages are famously non-helpful, and were less than that minimum size. This unnecessarily verbose comment serves only to cause this page (whose status code may be a 404, set in to go over that minimum size, so that we can force our content to be shown to IE users with "friendly error messages", even on braindead browsers. --></html>
#4599 Dodano: 19-02-2011 11:10. Głosów: 117
Informacje wywieszone przez profesora po egzaminie z Materiałów i Elementów Elektronicznych:
Kilka wybranych tekstów z zaliczenia o Kondensatorze:
-kondensator jest zbudowany z dwóch półprzewodników
-pojemność kondensatora zależy od ilości zwoi w magnetowodzie
-jest to opornik, jego pojemność musi być dodatnia
-jest złożony z rezystorów jego pojemność zależy od ich ilości
-pojemność kondensatora jest określona przez moc
-przewodzi on prąd liniowy o stałym napięciu
-przykładem kondensatora może być warystor lub termistor
-kondensator nieliniowy to taki dla którego u(0)=1
Materiały ferromagnetyczne to:
-nichrom, german, magnez, manganian(potasu?), ferreryt, stałe krzemowe
O Rezystorach:
-temperatura może spowodować wyschnięcie elektrolitu
-piromagnetyki są materiałami rezystywnymi mającymi zdolności elektromotoryczne
Kilka wybranych tekstów z zaliczenia o Kondensatorze:
-kondensator jest zbudowany z dwóch półprzewodników
-pojemność kondensatora zależy od ilości zwoi w magnetowodzie
-jest to opornik, jego pojemność musi być dodatnia
-jest złożony z rezystorów jego pojemność zależy od ich ilości
-pojemność kondensatora jest określona przez moc
-przewodzi on prąd liniowy o stałym napięciu
-przykładem kondensatora może być warystor lub termistor
-kondensator nieliniowy to taki dla którego u(0)=1
Materiały ferromagnetyczne to:
-nichrom, german, magnez, manganian(potasu?), ferreryt, stałe krzemowe
O Rezystorach:
-temperatura może spowodować wyschnięcie elektrolitu
-piromagnetyki są materiałami rezystywnymi mającymi zdolności elektromotoryczne
#6474 Dodano: 18-12-2012 13:43. Głosów: 116
<David Arno> Back in the 80's/90's, I worked for an aircraft simulator company that used FORTRAN. Our FORTRAN compiler had a limit of 8 characters for variable names. The company's coding standards reserved the first three of them for Hungarian-notation style info. So we had to try and create meaningful variable names with just 5 characters!
<Jonathan Leffler> Luxury: we had just 6 characters; the package had names starting with g; the internal functions all started gk; there were workstation drivers with codes such as 0p (so gk0p was the start), leaving us two characters for the rest of the Fortran name.
<pookleblinky> "When I was your age, we only had 2 characters! And it was case-insensitive!"
<Jonathan Leffler> Luxury: we had just 6 characters; the package had names starting with g; the internal functions all started gk; there were workstation drivers with codes such as 0p (so gk0p was the start), leaving us two characters for the rest of the Fortran name.
<pookleblinky> "When I was your age, we only had 2 characters! And it was case-insensitive!"
#3786 Dodano: 03-08-2010 15:14. Głosów: 116
If this requirement is not met, different bad things can happen. For instance, Sphinx can crash with an internal assertion while indexing; or produce strange results when searching due to conflicting IDs. Also, a 1000-pound gorilla might eventually come out of your display and start throwing barrels at you. You've been warned.
If this requirement is not met, different bad things can happen. For instance, Sphinx can crash with an internal assertion while indexing; or produce strange results when searching due to conflicting IDs. Also, a 1000-pound gorilla might eventually come out of your display and start throwing barrels at you. You've been warned.
#720 Dodano: 03-06-2009 23:52. Głosów: 116
/// The ForTo class avoids confusing syntax of "for (int i=1;i<=4;i++) {...}". This can be replaced with "foreach (int i in new ForTo(1,4)) {...}".
#5368 Dodano: 04-10-2011 10:44. Głosów: 116
The search may take a while, reminding us that the Windows Registry is a large and mysterious place where dragons be. (
#7674 Dodano: 13-12-2014 17:29. Głosów: 116
The fantastic element that explains the appeal of video games to many developers is neither the fire-breathing monsters nor the milky-skinned, semi-clad sirens; it is the experience of carrying out a task from start to finish without any change in the user requirements.
#7177 Dodano: 16-12-2013 22:55. Głosów: 115
Ze specyfikacji pliku Tiff:
Bytes 2-3 An arbitrary but carefully chosen number (42) that further identifies the file as a TIFF file.
Bytes 2-3 An arbitrary but carefully chosen number (42) that further identifies the file as a TIFF file.
#7439 Dodano: 08-06-2014 11:07. Głosów: 115
Never trust atoms. They make up everything.
#806 Dodano: 08-06-2009 13:59. Głosów: 115
An internal error occured while showing an internal error.
#5214 Dodano: 06-08-2011 03:12. Głosów: 115
Obfuscated Perl Contest