Najpopularniejsze cytaty
#573 Dodano: 26-05-2009 09:34. Głosów: 126; // ... "a doo run run".
#6973 Dodano: 12-08-2013 21:51. Głosów: 126
/* This is O(scary), but seems quick enough in practice. */
#4012 Dodano: 17-10-2010 19:57. Głosów: 126
<M>ale ja jestem taka strasznie leniwa...
<P>walcz z tym!
<M>ale mi się nie chce...
<P>walcz z tym!
<M>ale mi się nie chce...
#5038 Dodano: 18-06-2011 04:22. Głosów: 126
In our world, software has to be small, has to be debugged,
has to ship as part of a major initiative, has to avoid
compatibility problems, has to avoid end user calls.
-- Bill Gates
has to ship as part of a major initiative, has to avoid
compatibility problems, has to avoid end user calls.
-- Bill Gates
#7185 Dodano: 23-12-2013 20:39. Głosów: 125
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
— Laurence J. Peter
— Laurence J. Peter
#7698 Dodano: 19-12-2014 13:29. Głosów: 125
Kryptoanalityk - specjalista w dziedzinie badań grobowców
#7700 Dodano: 21-12-2014 14:35. Głosów: 125
[16:02] <Ahmadi> Is there any trick to add "__declspec(dllexport)" to all of function of a namespace?
[16:03] <ville> Ahmadi: interns
[16:03] <ville> Ahmadi: interns
#589 Dodano: 26-05-2009 09:39. Głosów: 125
// I put on my robe and wizard hat...
#7814 Dodano: 09-05-2015 07:22. Głosów: 125
<Timbo_KZ> What is the most high-level language? Alternatively, what is the highest level a programming language can reach?
<FUZxxl> The highest level programming language has exactly one instruction, the !, pronounced “do what I mean.”
<rbemrose> Bug report:
"Program did what I meant, but not what I wanted."
Developer notes:
"Cannot reproduce. I wanted exactly what I meant."
"User error. Replace user and try again."
<FUZxxl> The highest level programming language has exactly one instruction, the !, pronounced “do what I mean.”
<rbemrose> Bug report:
"Program did what I meant, but not what I wanted."
Developer notes:
"Cannot reproduce. I wanted exactly what I meant."
"User error. Replace user and try again."
#5767 Dodano: 27-01-2012 04:26. Głosów: 125
<lasica> rzad monitoruje sytuacje w sprawie atakow na ich serwery
<lasica> odpalili netstata u Boniego na laptopie
<lasica> odpalili netstata u Boniego na laptopie
#6305 Dodano: 07-10-2012 16:47. Głosów: 125
(python:10599): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're its parent.
#4261 Dodano: 07-12-2010 21:04. Głosów: 125
Cytat z dokumentacji pewnego systemu: "Sieć może pracować w trybie client-server lub pear-to-pear"
#7333 Dodano: 11-03-2014 11:42. Głosów: 125
Do pakietu UDP dzwoni mama.
- Dotarłeś?
- A czy kogoś to obchodzi ?
- Dotarłeś?
- A czy kogoś to obchodzi ?
#6918 Dodano: 30-06-2013 11:24. Głosów: 124
Ryan C. Gordon @icculus 5h
"Dear NSA: every time I google for "std::list," I was looking for the reference manual for the C++ class, not a list of STDs, honest!!"
"Dear NSA: every time I google for "std::list," I was looking for the reference manual for the C++ class, not a list of STDs, honest!!"
#43 Dodano: 03-05-2009 06:28. Głosów: 124
Przychodzi hiperboloida jednopowłokowa do lekarza,
a lekarz mówi: co pani taka prostolinijna?
a lekarz mówi: co pani taka prostolinijna?