Najmniej popularne cytaty

#3494 Dodano: 18-05-2010 22:57. Głosów: 170
<Alicja> no ale pamietaj ze kobiety maja szósty zmysł :D
<D4N> raczej /dev/urandom
#4563 Dodano: 11-02-2011 16:02. Głosów: 170
...znalezione w pracy...

#3191 Dodano: 15-03-2010 21:17. Głosów: 171
>HTML5 konkuruje z Flash na wielu płaszczyznach ale na paru przebija go na
>głowę.Osobiście myślę, że obie technologie na początku znajdą swoje zastosowania i
> będą nieraz współżyły nawet na tych samych stronach.

A ja mysle, ze beda sie jak zwykle zwyczajnie pier* a nie wspolzyc.
#910 Dodano: 14-06-2009 02:01. Głosów: 171
Zapytano matematyka, czy wierzy w Boga:
- Oczywiście, z dokładnością do izomorfizmu.
#2818 Dodano: 11-01-2010 03:51. Głosów: 172
A Party of Famous Physicists

One day, all of the world's famous physicists decided to get together for a tea luncheon. Fortunately, the doorman was a grad student, and able to observe some of the guests...
Everyone gravitated toward Newton, but he just kept moving around at a constant velocity and showed no reaction.
Einstein thought it was a relatively good time.
Coulomb got a real charge out of the whole thing.
Cavendish wasn't invited, but he had to show Newton how to find G.
Cauchy, being the only mathematician there, still managed to integrate well with everyone.
Thompson enjoyed the plum pudding.
Pauli came late, but was mostly excluded from things, so he split.
Pascal was under too much pressure to enjoy himself.
Ohm spent most of the time resisting Ampere's opinions on current events.
Hamilton went to the buffet tables exactly once.
Volta thought the social had a lot of potential.
Hilbert was pretty spaced out for most of it.
Heisenberg may or may not have been there.
The Curies were there and just glowed the whole time.
van der Waals forced himself to mingle.
Wien radiated a colorful personality.
Millikan dropped his Italian oil dressing.
de Broglie mostly just stood in the corner and waved.
Hollerith liked the hole idea.
Stefan and Boltzman got into some hot debates.
Everyone was attracted to Tesla's magnetic personality.
Compton was a little scatter-brained at times.
Bohr ate too much and got atomic ache.
Watt turned out to be a powerful speaker.
Hertz went back to the buffet table several times a minute.
Faraday had quite a capacity for food.
Oppenheimer got bombed.
#5924 Dodano: 10-04-2012 23:27. Głosów: 172
"dynamiczny content to tak jakby zamiast zawołać dziecko z pokoju obok to robić nowe i czekać 2 lata aż urośnie"
#6032 Dodano: 28-05-2012 17:04. Głosów: 172
I have a question,
I recently took delivery of my new Dell, which came with the 32bit version of Windows 7, however the PC is capable of running at 64bit.
If I install Windows 7 32bit twice would that make it 64bit?
#7474 Dodano: 14-06-2014 19:56. Głosów: 173
A little boy sees something way up in the sky and runs to his mom to ask her what it is. She points the boy to his father and tells him to ask him so the boy runs over to his father and asks what is in the sky. The father can't answer either but points the boy to his uncle saying he should be able to help. The boy runs over to his uncle but his uncle doesn't have an answer either and just points the boy back to his mother, the boy then knows what is in the sky.


Because it takes 3 points to define a plane
#7208 Dodano: 02-01-2014 16:44. Głosów: 174
<~spi> nie wchodze na roflcoptera
<~spi> bo mi sie robi smutno jak rozumiem zarty.
#7732 Dodano: 15-01-2015 07:25. Głosów: 174
<TotallyNotAnAlien> "Program Files" was to force programs to support spaces in directory paths. It was introduced for windows 95.
<Sheepshow> Windows 11 will rename "Program Files" to "P̧r̢̘̗͇̟͚o̲̥͝g͎̳̗r̹̠̱̼a̹̦͝ṃ̥̙̰͝ ̮̳͉̥̞̫̩F̮̳̱̳̯̼͡ìl̩̣͢e̴͓̪̼̤ͅs̙͠" in order to force developers to support Unicode.
#5436 Dodano: 24-10-2011 10:58. Głosów: 174
z cyklu rozmowy z mamą : "ale po co Ci ładne zęby, przecież jesteś informatykiem..."
#4174 Dodano: 19-11-2010 19:30. Głosów: 174
Ikser> Wiesz co, ten program czyta takie ciekawe rzeczy z tej niezaalokowanej pamięci, że mam ochotę zapoznać się z resztą lektury
#2128 Dodano: 26-09-2009 10:06. Głosów: 174
Romantyczna kolacja, siedzi informatyk z fajną dziewczyną. Jednocześnie zapytali:
Desperatka? | Humanista?
I jednocześnie przestali wierzyć w stereotypy.
#4781 Dodano: 05-04-2011 19:01. Głosów: 174
sanepid - poczytalny identyfikator procesu
#1967 Dodano: 27-08-2009 09:11. Głosów: 174
Thermodynamics is a funny subject. The first time you go through it, you don't understand it at all. The second time you go through it, you think you understand it, except for one or two small points. The third time you go through it, you know you don't understand it, but by that time you are so used to it, it doesn't bother you any more.