Najmniej popularne cytaty

#43 Dodano: 03-05-2009 06:28. Głosów: 124
Przychodzi hiperboloida jednopowłokowa do lekarza,
a lekarz mówi: co pani taka prostolinijna?
#590 Dodano: 26-05-2009 09:40. Głosów: 124
/* deep wizardry. do not touch. */
/* */
/* no seriously. XXXXXX I'm looking at you. If you screw with this again */
/* I will kill you with my swingline stapler. */
/* */
/* ... */
#7792 Dodano: 26-03-2015 18:15. Głosów: 124
If you ever want the public to use your site, always design it to handle errors in a way that will allow them to continue using it if possible. If it's not possible and the site really is broken, make sure that you find out so that you can fix it. die() by itself won't do either.

If a supermarket freezer breaks down, a customer who wanted to buy a tub of ice cream doesn't expect to be kicked out of the building.
#7548 Dodano: 09-08-2014 10:45. Głosów: 124
`#define APPROACHING_INFINITY 1000 // Close enough. This isn't rocket surgery.`

#6340 Dodano: 27-10-2012 18:55. Głosów: 124
// kompletna lista zmian w PS3 Media Serverze, v. 1.70.0:

Breaking Changes

* Setters and getters for subtitles and audio tracks list in DlnaMediaInfo now return a java.util.List rather then a java.util.ArrayList
#7185 Dodano: 23-12-2013 20:39. Głosów: 125
Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well informed just to be undecided about them.
— Laurence J. Peter
#7698 Dodano: 19-12-2014 13:29. Głosów: 125
Kryptoanalityk - specjalista w dziedzinie badań grobowców
#7700 Dodano: 21-12-2014 14:35. Głosów: 125
[16:02] <Ahmadi> Is there any trick to add "__declspec(dllexport)" to all of function of a namespace?
[16:03] <ville> Ahmadi: interns
#589 Dodano: 26-05-2009 09:39. Głosów: 125
// I put on my robe and wizard hat...
#7814 Dodano: 09-05-2015 07:22. Głosów: 125
<Timbo_KZ> What is the most high-level language? Alternatively, what is the highest level a programming language can reach?
<FUZxxl> The highest level programming language has exactly one instruction, the !, pronounced “do what I mean.”
<rbemrose> Bug report:
"Program did what I meant, but not what I wanted."
Developer notes:
"Cannot reproduce. I wanted exactly what I meant."
"User error. Replace user and try again."
#5767 Dodano: 27-01-2012 04:26. Głosów: 125
<lasica> rzad monitoruje sytuacje w sprawie atakow na ich serwery
<lasica> odpalili netstata u Boniego na laptopie

#6305 Dodano: 07-10-2012 16:47. Głosów: 125
(python:10599): LIBDBUSMENU-GLIB-WARNING **: Trying to remove a child that doesn't believe we're its parent.
#4261 Dodano: 07-12-2010 21:04. Głosów: 125
Cytat z dokumentacji pewnego systemu: "Sieć może pracować w trybie client-server lub pear-to-pear"
#7333 Dodano: 11-03-2014 11:42. Głosów: 125
Do pakietu UDP dzwoni mama.
- Dotarłeś?
- A czy kogoś to obchodzi ?
#6912 Dodano: 26-06-2013 18:17. Głosów: 126
A Roman walks into a bar and asks for a martinus.
"You mean a martini?" the bartender asks.
The Roman replies, "If I wanted a double, I would have asked for it!"