Najmniej popularne cytaty

#5514 Dodano: 20-11-2011 00:27. Głosów: 119
Well since you mentioned your computer crashed, I'm going to assume you are using windows.
#1948 Dodano: 19-08-2009 23:33. Głosów: 119
If Jesus used god mode, what mode used the people who killed him?
#7882 Dodano: 04-11-2015 13:02. Głosów: 119
W komentarzach dokumentacji funkcji str_replace():

A faster way to replace the strings in multidimensional array is to json_encode() it, do the str_replace() and then json_decode() it.

This method is almost 3x faster (in 10000 runs.) than using recursive calling and looping method, and 10x simpler in coding.
#741 Dodano: 05-06-2009 21:04. Głosów: 119
//This won't work
//It will it ain't optimized - Dave
//No it won't work in the proper way
//This won't work either
//Do you have anything else to say?
//Correct it or I will do it
//Ain't your code dude
//Mess around here
//Stop it. You don't like it, then just drop it or tell me what's wrong
//How come you're in this team? You can't notice such obvious mistakes?
(lot of comments)
//Guys. It's actually a function taking one arg - char array, and printing a stdout and it took me about 40 minutes to get it thanks to this comment spam, lol.

#7569 Dodano: 16-09-2014 17:53. Głosów: 120
If warnings were errors in real life then you'd fall over every time you saw a "CAUTION: WET FLOOR" sign.
#4249 Dodano: 05-12-2010 15:02. Głosów: 120
<maciej> zjadłbym coś ;/.
<edx> matka nic nie upiekła na święta?
<maciej> no upiekła.
<maciej> ale oznaczyła protected. jak dotknę to będzie core dumped :/
#7604 Dodano: 18-11-2014 20:16. Głosów: 120
- Z sygnatury mailowej pewnego administratora -
Professional Apache Restarter & Bear Wrestler
#752 Dodano: 06-06-2009 14:47. Głosów: 120
$ tar -cf envgrep.tar
tar: Tchórzliwie odmawiam utworzenia pustego archiwum
#6399 Dodano: 20-11-2012 21:59. Głosów: 120
<helf> drchaos: duct tape is like the force. it has a light side and a dark side and it binds the universe together
#2817 Dodano: 11-01-2010 03:39. Głosów: 121
Aleph-null bottles of beer on the wall, aleph-null bottles of beer. You take one down, and pass it around - aleph-null bottles of beer on the wall.
#2586 Dodano: 06-12-2009 12:14. Głosów: 121
<Fixxer> Why IT people are so good in bed?
<Fixxer> They know what to do with hardware.
#5513 Dodano: 18-11-2011 18:40. Głosów: 121
// Don't bother looking.
// You are not prepared.
#5550 Dodano: 28-11-2011 12:10. Głosów: 121
linux kernel 2.6.28:
file: mm/oom_kill.c:

* Rambo mode: Shoot down a process and hope it solves whatever
* issues we may have.
#6339 Dodano: 27-10-2012 11:34. Głosów: 121
<a> Może ten internal server error się zcachował?
#7125 Dodano: 20-11-2013 15:36. Głosów: 121
Eclipse jest jak taka dziewczyna, z którą fajnie wyjść na piwo ale nic z tego nie będzie.